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Paid for my server twice, who should I contact?

11-01-2016, 22:49

I will email you directly regarding payments.



11-01-2016, 22:42
Quote Originally Posted by Dani

Please provide me with your NIC handle or the 2 order numbers and I will check this for you.


Hi Danny,

The details are as follows:

Payment #1:

Order no.: 47185797
External transaction nr: osp#3801062
Transaction date: 2016-01-09 16:08:16
Ovh transaction no.: CreditCardOsp#3801062

Payment #2:

Order no.: 47185776
External transaction nr: paypal#EC-7NE24461BV567433N
Transaction date: 2016-01-09 16:18:06
Ovh transaction no.: paypal#2942414

Hope this helps,

11-01-2016, 21:42

Please provide me with your NIC handle or the 2 order numbers and I will check this for you.



11-01-2016, 04:18
The best you can do is to call SYS support on the phone. If you ordered on SyS UK, call the phone number you see at; if you ordered on SyS IE, call the phone number you see at Note that those numbers are from Ireland and UK, respectively, so you may need to add an internation prefix if calling from another country.

They may be able to offer you some solution; maybe chargeback, or take it as an advanced payment for the next month

11-01-2016, 00:00
Hi there OVH/SyS support and community,

I ordered a SyS box on the 09/01/2016 and have been more than impressed with the service as I was in a hurry to get a new box up and running and you were quick to respond with a fantastic offer. However in my rush for the box I managed to pay the bill twice through my own stupididty, both through Paypal and through a direct debit card payment.

I saved both bill Id's and have the proof required but I have little knowledge to know who to contact regarding this rather ridiculous and silly mistake on my part. I'd be more than happy if the extra bill I paid was just counted as an extra month worth of rental on my server. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers and keep up the good work!