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Firewall not delivered yet [SYS]

03-12-2016, 00:54
I've had a reply from support finally. I ws told the firewall I ordered is physically installed and online (I already knew that since I can ping and traceoute to it's ip), but still needs to be enabled.

I'm not expecting that to be done any time soon though based on what i've seen so far...appalling really since I paid so much for it. (Expiry is aligned with the server's expiry date....My server expires in 3 months....I paid a few months ahead once to make sure it never expires if I have trouble paying for it one month).

I'll continue to wait, but for obvious reasons, i'm not happy at all with ovh at the moment. Only reason i'm not moving away completely are due to the high cost of other hosts for a comparable server, and the hassle of actually moving all my data (my server runs all my e-mail, dns, and also redirects requests for my main site...moving all that would not be a trivial task).

02-12-2016, 13:38
I've opened another support ticket asking for information, but so far they are completely ignoring that one as well, so sad

02-12-2016, 00:10
Had the exact same issue with my ovh server. I asked for an update, but was completely ignored. I then got a notification about an intervention on my server yesterday to install the firewall, but it still shows in progress even after they completed the intervention.

I've opened another support ticket asking for information, but so far they are completely ignoring that one as well.

Also, for some reason, the firewall they assigned me is in a different location to my server (my server is in gravelines, but the firewall appears to be in roubaix according to a traceroute to it's ip).

05-11-2016, 22:46
Hello i just bought a Firewall ASA 5505, it's under my panel but it mentions its offline

When i try to enable it it says Your firewall is not delivered yet...

When will i have it and what do i need to do for setting it up?