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RPS for SVN use: which OS?

03-04-2009, 07:09
All right thanks guys! I think I'll go with Ubuntu. Oh and is setting FTP up easy enough?

02-04-2009, 21:15
apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server php5-mysql php5-gd php5-mcrypt
Configuration is very easy for multiple apache hosts etc.. if you wanted that.

Also remember if you make it a web server (and no longer an SVN) you can very easily install another OS with the ovh manager.

02-04-2009, 20:35
Quote Originally Posted by cbrain
If I go with Ubuntu/Fedora how difficult would it be to set up a LAMP solution and would I get any support?
Have a read of this guide:

I don't think you will get support for that sort of thing from OVH. They'll help you with any hardware or networking problems, but your OS and how you use it is up to you. You will, however get support from your fellow OVH users in here and from the user community of your chosen distribution.

Quote Originally Posted by cbrain
And if I use the OVH distro how difficult would it be to get an SVN server up and running?
I'm no expert in Gentoo but IMHO, it's not a great distribution for a server. I'd go with debian, ubuntu, centos or fedora.

02-04-2009, 19:40

I'm considering buying an RPS (RPS I) that will mainly be used as an SVN (SubVersion) server. Later one it may be used as a web server.

However, I'm not sure which OS to go for. I've been edging towards Ubuntu or Fedora, because I can just use apt-get/yum install subversion to install it. However, I've never had any experience with web hosting on either of them, so I'd be stuck there. So I've started to look at the OVH distro because I can just use the web panel. However, I'm not sure if the web panel supports SVN and it looks a pain to install under Gentoo (which I think is what the OVH distro is based off).

So what I'm really asking is:

If I go with Ubuntu/Fedora how difficult would it be to set up a LAMP solution and would I get any support?

And if I use the OVH distro how difficult would it be to get an SVN server up and running?
