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How to cap connectivity to prolong specified monthly BW?

26-09-2009, 23:53
some arcane incantation
That would be 'tc' - That will allow you to limit any network interface using a variety of methods - Couple it with iptables and you can do some very detailed QOS control as well

But you'll probably need to rebuild your kernel to get it to work - I did

Good luck!

24-09-2009, 13:27
There is an application called Wondershaper for Linux which can be used to limit applications.

24-09-2009, 10:02
Actually we preffer you to throttle at the application level.

24-09-2009, 09:06
We would need the server's Operating System version.

It is highly likely that there would be some arcane incantation you could type to limit the network card to 100Mb/s but without more information we can't really help quite yet.

24-09-2009, 07:29
I've got 1gbps server and it'll be 10mbps when 10TB BW is used. Can anyone suggest away for me to cap the connectivity to like 100mbps etc? Thanks