OVH Community, your new community space.


15-02-2010, 08:26
It was this week and prod ...

RPS / SD / VM / Vrack / Housing / Network / Cloud / Distro / Manager
-------------------------------------------------- --
SD Patch update prices TB / mo respecting contracts
Current and then only after the renewal of
service (for subsidiaries)
Vrack Patch Billing Vrack former offers
Paris install Bugfix RPS Rps
CLOUD New reset / reinstall button in the manager

Domain / SSL / Email / Mutu
EMAIL Patch SSD upgrade any of the filerz mail
EMAIL Patch new version POP3/IMAP4/SMTP RELAY
HOSTING Patch Update modules: wordpress, drupal and spip
FIELD New Authinfo. Of

Telephony / Line SIP/FAX/Tel2Pay/SMS
PHONE Patch Interface RMA for return of phone
NUMBER R & D carried alternative operators
keyyo: is the error handling
Completel: ok
sfr: ok
free: ok
Empty Patch SIP telephony todo
VIDEO R & D H263/H264 Polycom devices: not bad!
VIDEO R & D and add iChat simple sip server to test h264

R & D LABS 'whatisup "in WEB

MC-GS (aka Marketing-Commercial/Global-Solutions the Emotional Cycle)
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
SITE Patch
NEWS New Newslettre February

Patch edit Factua reference
Factua Patch login manager with domain, email, nic
PCIDSS New beta test RFID
OVH Patch withdraw NETAPP 14
Factua Patch HAVE partial
Factua Patch restarting BE
Factua Patch HAVE todo with negative
Factua Patch button generation have
Factua Patch checkup subsidiaries
OVH New preparation command module mutu
Factua Bugfix rapid renew
OVH Bugfix contract sms subsidiary, lack IT PL
New SUPPORT adding a button to tell a responsible media v3

.... what Prodi's plans next week:

RPS / SD / VM / Vrack / Housing / Network / Cloud / Distro / Manager
-------------------------------------------------- --
DISTRO Windows Bugfix: fix configIP script to apply it correctly IP
right interfaces based on mac
R & D DISTRO Windows: script sql server 2008 Express installation
R & D DISTRO cal installation script
DISTRO Bugfix recompile qemu for vkvm w2008r2 and test on it
New windows on RPS rps beta
RPS Patch iscsi85 move to monopool
RPS Patch Patch filerz52 and add cache
RPS Bugfix set RpsBackupStatus
SD R & D prepare an offer SP Mixed
Vrack New Closing Service Vrack
CLOUD R & D rtmies for ESXi
Automatic cloud CLOUD Patch installation and delivery
CLOUD New win2008-create web image for cloud
CLOUD create New image for ubuntu cloud
CLOUD New beta test for clouds Mailout / dedicated
KSM create R & D 100 same vm on linux-kvm with ruby installed on it
NETWORK & Patch IPv6 MPLS vss-1 / 2
NETWORK Patch change the routing for the VSS-3
NETWORK Patch establish a system to copy the conf
purification and update on the switches
even with large configurations
NETWORK Bugfix optimize ip load balancing, server load
NETWORK launch New bunker supply ip with 1 month free to test
http / https, SMTP/POP3/IMAP4, dns
MANAGER Patch added contract failover IP inter-subsidiary
MANAGER Patch change the conditions for allocating IP RIPE respecting
new conditions RIPE (visibility 1 months)
MANAGER Patch update prices RIPE IP (prefer small customers)

Domain / SSL / Email / Mutu
FIELD New Production start redemption. Pl
FIELD Patch robot trade. NU
FIELD Patch todo page. Com
FIELD Patch transfer. Pro with status "inactive"
FIELD Patch area. Redirection as default email
EMAIL R & D out-mail: prototype server with the new filtering
spamassassin compiled C
EMAIL Patch-mail out: failover system automatically emails to yahoo
in case of blocking (Sancho)
EMAIL POP3/IMAP4 Bugfix: fix the SSL Certifcate for php scripts, not
able to manage the containers made
EMAIL Bugfix complete update of "subscriptions" for IMAP
EMAIL Patch added sensors on the broken machines and check
they walk and correct these machines (and not
vice versa)
EMAIL Bugfix find the origin of the warning on filerz320
EMAIL Patch resume all configurations prod each account
and verify its proper functioning
EMAIL Bugfix introduce a new service "answering"
EMAIL Patch pass ezmlm bases in SQL
EMAIL Patch add the "Spam" button in webmail (all)
EMAIL Patch add counters and graphs of numbers of emails
- Sent / email account via SMTP RELAY ns0
- Receipt / Account
- Forward /. Qmail
- Ezmlm / ml
- Number of consultation pop3/imap / hour / day / account
- GB / day / account
New EMAIL prepare the pans to remove the limit of 2GB email account
and move to version without limit "to the cloud"
HOSTING R & D with mysql5.4/5.5 install solaris zfs with one hour snapshot
functionnality for customers mysql0 bdb
HOSTING Patch added warning in CPU Okill manager
New command HOSTING solution zenmedia
HOSTING R & D proxy frameworks for Ruby / Java
HOSTING R & D process failover backup
HOSTING R & D to define the new management structure domain + hosting
HOSTING R & D Prepare for asp. 2 web servers with database on it,
account creation and local requests only, with lvs linux as a router

Telephony / Line SIP/FAX/Tel2Pay/SMS
SIP R & D Infra Cirpack test 'lab'
GENERAL R & D fix sound on polycom devices
GENERAL R & D test h264 on PC

OVH.BIZ R & D to finish the static version of website
R & D LABS 'whatisup "test run" whatisup "with lots of customers
to test the system load
R & D LABS improve the speed of requests and displays
R & D LABS improve viewing and playing with the graph = f (data)
Real Time

MC-GS (aka Marketing-Commercial/Global-Solutions the Emotional Cycle)
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
New Finish OVHMAG beta and PRODDER

R & D SQL sql for solaris .*
SUPPORT Patch satisfaction and response time for all exchanges
Patch JABBER jabber Add failover for servers with 2
JABBER R & D install sip jabber server on dev server to test h264 with ichat
PCIDSS Patch update kernel servers ovh
PCIDSS Patch rezo ovh separation for analysis pci-dss
Patch Factua have partial vat bizare
Factua New robot self cancellation
Patch Factua have followed
PCIDSS Patch Cache
PCIDSS Patch spin site ovh
New approach PCIDSS new PCI-DSS
Factua sql6 ssd Patch for fastEvent
Factua nichandle Patch patch, nic "estimate / incomplete 'nic abroad" Waiting "
nic white list abroad => Starting out sales subsidiaries.

They advance slowly.

Yey Ubuntu on Cloud.
15-02-2010, 00:26

Due to be prodded this week and ...

SD Patch to update prices of TB / month regarding current contracts and then only after the renewal of the service (for subsidiaries)
VRACK Patch old Virtual Bay offer billing
RPS Bugfix install Paris Rps
CLOUD New reset/re-install button in the Manager

Domain/SSL/Email/Shared Hosting
EMAIL Patch upgrade SSD for all mail filerz
EMAIL Patch new version of POP3/IMAP4/SMTP RELAY
HOSTING Patch Update Modules: wordpress, spip and drupal
DOMAIN New Authinfo .de

PHONE Patch RMA Interface for the return of phone
NUMBER R&D port alternative operators
keyyo : error management remains
completel: ok
sfr: ok
free: ok
SIP Patch Empty the telephony todo
VIDEO R&D polycom devices H263/H264: not good !
VIDEO R&D iChat and add simple sip server to test h264

LABS R&D "whatisup" in WEB

MC-GS (Commercial-Marketing/Global-Solutions alias the emotional cycle)
SITE Patch
NEWS New February Newsletter

FACTU Patch reference editor
FACTU Patch manager login with domain, email, nic
PCIDSS New beta test RFID
OVH Patch remove NETAPP 14
FACTU Patch HAVE partial
FACTU Patch remove en route AVOIR
FACTU Patch HAVE with negative todo
FACTU Patch generate HAVE button
FACTU Patch checkup filiales
OVH New prepare shared hosting order module
FACTU Bugfix rapid renew
OVH Bugfix sms filiale contract, without PL IT
SUPPORT New add a button to tell a support v3 administrator

.... what we hope to prod next week:

DISTRO Bugfix Windows: fix configIP script to apply correctly IP on
right interfaces based on mac
DISTRO R&D Windows: script sql server 2008 Express installation
DISTRO R&D script cal installation
DISTRO Bugfix recompile qemu for vkvm and test w2008r2 on it
RPS New windows on rps beta
RPS Patch move iscsi85 to monopool
RPS Patch patch filerz52 and add cache
RPS Bugfix fixer RpsBackupStatus
SD R&D preparer une offre SP Mixte
VRACK New Fermeture du service vrack
CLOUD Patch Automatic cloud installation and livraison
CLOUD New create win2008-web image for cloud
CLOUD New create ubuntu image for cloud
CLOUD New beta test mailouts pour clouds/dédiés
KSM R&D create 100 same vm on linux-kvm with ruby installed on it
NETWORK Patch IPv6 & MPLS sur vss-1/2
NETWORK Patch changer le routage pour le vss-3
NETWORK Patch mettre en place un systeme de copier de la conf d'epuration et de mise à jour sur les switchs même avec les grosses configurations
NETWORK Bugfix optimiser l'ip load balancing, le serveur surcharge
NETWORK New lancer l'offre ip bunker avec 1 mois gratuit pour tester http/https, smtp/pop3/imap4, dns
MANAGER Patch ajouter le contrat de IP failover inter-filiale
MANAGER Patch changer les conditions d'attribution des IP RIPE en respectant les nouvelles conditions de RIPE (visibilité sur 1 mois)
MANAGER Patch mettre à jour les prix IP RIPE (preferer les petits clients)

Domain/SSL/Email/Shared Hosting
DOMAIN New Mise en production redemption .pl
DOMAIN Patch robot trade .NU
DOMAIN Patch page todo .fr
DOMAIN Patch transfert .pro avec status "inactive"
DOMAIN Patch zone .tel redirection email par défaut
EMAIL R&D mail-out: prototype de serveur filtrage avec le nouveau spamassassin compilé en C
EMAIL Patch mail-out: système de basculement automatique des emails vers yahoo en cas de blocage (sancio)
EMAIL Bugfix POP3/IMAP4: fixer le certifcat SSL pour les scripts en php, pas capable de gerer les contenaires
EMAIL Bugfix terminer la mise à jour de "subscriptions" pour l'IMAP
EMAIL Patch ajouter les sondes sur les machines cassées et verifier qu'elles marchent puis corriger ces machines (et pas l'inverse)
EMAIL Bugfix trouver l'origine des warning sur filerz320
EMAIL Patch reprendre toutes les configurations de prod de chaque compte et verifier son bon fonctionnement
EMAIL Bugfix mettre en place un nouveau service "repondeur"
EMAIL Patch passer les bases ezmlm dans les SQL
EMAIL Patch ajouter les boutons "spam" dans les webmail (tous)
EMAIL Patch ajouter les compteurs et les graphes des nombres des emails
- envoyés /compte email via SMTP RELAY ns0
- reçu /compte
- forwardé /.qmail
- ezmlm /ml
- nombre de consultation pop3/imap /heure /jour /compte
- Go /jour /compte
EMAIL New preparer le terrin pour enlever la limite de 2Go compte email et passer en version sans limite "à la cloud"
HOSTING R&D install mysql5.4/5.5 with solaris on zfs with hour snapshot functionnality for mysql0 bdb customers
HOSTING Patch ajout alerte CPU okiller dans manager
HOSTING New commande solution zenmedia
HOSTING R&D proxy for frameworks Ruby/Java
HOSTING R&D procédure de basculement sur backup
HOSTING R&D définir la nouvelle structure du manager domaine + hosting
HOSTING R&D Prepare asp for 2 web servers with database on it, account creation and local requests only, with linux lvs as a router

SIP R&D Infra Cirpack de tests 'lab'
GENERAL R&D fix sound on polycom devices
GENERAL R&D test h264 on PC

OVH.BIZ R&D finir la version static du site
LABS R&D "whatisup": lancer le test de "whatisup" avec plein de clients afin de tester la charge du system
LABS R&D améliorer la vitesse de requetes et l'affiche
LABS R&D améliorer l'affichage et jouer avec les graphes=f(données) en temps réel

MC-GS (Commercial-Marketing/Global-Solutions alias emotional cycle)
OVHMAG New Finir la beta et prodder

SQL R&D sql solaris for*
SUPPORT Patch satisfaction et temps de réponse pour tous les échanges
JABBER Patch Add failover for jabber with 2 servers
JABBER R&D install sip server on jabber dev server to test h264 with ichat
PCIDSS Patch mise a jour kernel serveurs ovh
PCIDSS Patch separation rezo ovh pour analyse pci-dss
FACTU Patch avoir partiel vat bizare
FACTU New robot annulation auto
FACTU Patch suivi avoir
PCIDSS Patch cache
PCIDSS Patch filer site ovh
PCIDSS New nouvelle approche PCI-DSS
FACTU Patch sql6 ssd pour fastEvent
FACTU Patch patch nichandle, nic "devis/incomplet", nic etranger "attente" white list nic etranger => demarrage des ventes hors des filiales.

All the best,
