OVH Community, your new community space.

Les hackeurs

27-08-2008, 23:48
Damn the idea sounds something like the idea I had a few months age ( that was blown out of the water....
26-08-2008, 19:28
> I would assume 1 hour servers are available to all of those people
> already "verified" by post or existing customers. I know this is

it's exactly what we are preparing. we send the code with post
once per customer.

26-08-2008, 15:09
Isn't that like a nigerian asking for you bank details so he can deposit lottery winnings?

Are people really so easy going handing out with thier personal documents?
That suprises me.

26-08-2008, 14:49
Quote Originally Posted by Andy.
and what happens when OVH lose so much custom they have to raise their prices?

will it be worth it then?

the 1 hour server is the past, welcome to the good old manual process lol
This won't happen. People want the low prices so they will do whatever is asked of them in most cases. OVH get a few hundred servers a week deployed and they have over 35,000 current happy customers. OVH must be doing something right along the way.

26-08-2008, 14:47
and what happens when OVH lose so much custom they have to raise their prices?

will it be worth it then?

the 1 hour server is the past, welcome to the good old manual process lol

26-08-2008, 14:38
Quote Originally Posted by Yianni
So again the legitimate clients suffer because of the so called spammers/hackers?

Are you actually planning on making something easier for your clients rather than just making things more complicated and slower?

I'm sure every single data center in the world has these problems and they seem to manage fine without ridiculous ways of identifying their clients and making the whole sign up process a dreadful and slow expereince.

So now a new user has to wait 24 hours to receive a letter by mail to activate the account? Is this how I'm reading it? Is this what you're proposing?

What will happen to the 1 hour servers then?

Please think about your honest customers also.


I would assume 1 hour servers are available to all of those people already "verified" by post or existing customers. I know this is overkill but its something I also feel must be done to stop the hackers and abusers from spoiling OVH for the rest of us.

26-08-2008, 14:37
So again the legitimate clients suffer because of the so called spammers/hackers?

Are you actually planning on making something easier for your clients rather than just making things more complicated and slower?

I'm sure every single data center in the world has these problems and they seem to manage fine without ridiculous ways of identifying their clients and making the whole sign up process a dreadful and slow expereince.

So now a new user has to wait 24 hours to receive a letter by mail to activate the account? Is this how I'm reading it? Is this what you're proposing?

What will happen to the 1 hour servers then?

Please think about your honest customers also.



26-08-2008, 10:27
Good morning,
Since May, we had an abnormal increase in number
abuse and unpaid. After 2 months, we started to have
internal and external attacks. There is 3 weeks, we increased the
network security with new detections abuse but set
place order confirmations of dedicated servers with SMS.

Here are the details. These are several groups of hackers from
probably Morocco. They require dedicated servers and accommodation
in order to steal credit cards. 2 methods to steal the CB:
pages + phishing spam and scan network Orange, Free, Neuf
Numericable and the search for non VNC servers / inadequately protected. In the
1st case, the victim receives a false email or Paypal and seized his bank
its coordinates and the number of the CB. In the 2nd case, the victim
is observed in real time by hackers who note what happens
on the screen of the victim and which have information on the victim. A
When the victim is lying, hackeur resumed the connection to VNC
usurp his identity through the PC of the victim and
rising orders ... dedicated servers and / or accommodation
pooled in order to steal credit cards ... And so on.

That is why we had a huge increase in abuse and unpaid.
In all, we have closed a little less than 300 servers dedicated ordered
by hackers and we made a little more 150'000E the victims.

The hackers have created robots orders to expedite processes
orders and to go faster. We broke robots
blocking access to our site from Morocco. This is a temporary measure.

Since 1 week it remained that orders made through
VNC the other victims. Be 2-5 orders per day. Since 1 week
we do note more scans network from our servers to
networks of Orange, Free, Neuf and Numericable in search of VNC
no / inadequately protected.

To block 2-5 orders made each day by hackers, we
have spent in checking each new command dedicated server
human (aka I spend 2 hours to click and verify identities suspicious).
With such verification and with one eye open, we come to block
2-5 these orders but at the expense of the delivery period and to the detriment
a 10th verification of real customers who are there for nothing.

It was hoped not to have to put in place verification of address by
the letter but it turns out that this remains the only solution (theoretical,
remains to be tested) for the outstanding guard of hackers. We will
put in place this week (as soon as possible ...).

We will test in conjunction with an authentication code past
in the transaction that the customer can see in his statement.
This could further increase the security of payment for certain
countries like Senegal, Coté d'Ivoire, China, Japan, etc where one accepts
the few commands (domain names. com, for example). But security
with the address will be the basis for authentication at Ovh for servers
Dedicated, RPS and telephony. Probably the name of areas and
the host later.

We will use the same system for all subsidiaries of Ovh.
The letter with the validation code arrive in 24 hours across

26-08-2008, 09:18
Depuis le mois de mai, nous avons eu une augmentation anormal de nombre
d'abus et d'impayé. Au bout de 2 mois, nous avons commencé d'avoir des
attaques internes et externe. Il y a 3 semaines, nous avons augmenté la
sécurité du réseau avec de nouvelles détections des abus mais mis en
place les confirmations de commande de serveurs dédiés avec les SMS.

Voici le détail. Il s'agit de plusieurs groupes de hackeurs en provenance
probablement Maroc. Ils commandent des serveurs dédiés et des hébergements
dans le but de voler les cartes bancaires. 2 méthodes pour voler les CB:
les pages de phishing + le spam et le scan de réseau Orange, Free, Neuf
et Numericable à la recherche des serveurs VNC non/mal protégés. Dans le
1er cas, la victime reçoit un faux email de Paypal ou sa banque et saisit
ses coordonnées ainsi que le numéro de la CB. Dans le 2nd cas, la victime
est observé en temps réel par les hackeurs qui notent ce qu'il se passe
sur l'écran de la victime et dont ont les informations sur la victime. Une
fois que la victime est couché, le hackeur reprend la connexion VNC pour
usurper son identité en passant par le propre PC de la victime et en
passant les commandes de ... serveurs dédiés ou/et des hébergements
mutualisés dans le but de voler les cartes bancaires ... Ainsi de suite.

C'est pourquoi, nous avons eu une augmentation énorme d'abus et d'impayée.
En tout, nous avons fermé un peu moins de 300 serveurs dédiés commandés
par les hackeurs et nous avons rendu un peu plus 150'000E aux victimes.

Les hackeurs ont créés de robots de commandes pour accélérer les processes
de commandes et pour aller plus vite. Nous avons cassé des robots en
bloquant l'accès à notre site depuis le Maroc. C'est une mesure temporaire.

Depuis 1 semaine il restait plus que les commandes effectués à travers
les VNC d'autres victimes. Sois 2-5 commandes par jour. Depuis 1 semaines
nous ne relevons plus de scans de réseau à partir de nos serveurs vers
les réseaux d'Orange, Free, Neuf et Numericable à la recherche des VNC
non/mal protégés.

Pour bloquer les 2-5 commandes chaque jour faites par les hackeurs, nous
avons passé en vérification de CHAQUE nouvelle commande de serveur dédié
humain (alias je passe les 2h à cliquer et vérifier les identités suspectes).
Avec une telle vérification et avec un oeil ouvert, on arrive à bloquer
ces 2-5 commandes mais au détriment du délai de livraison et au détriment
d'une 10ème vérification des vrais clients qui n'y sont pour rien.

On espérait ne pas avoir à mettre en place la vérification d'adresse par
la lettre mais il s'avère que ceci reste la seule solution (théorique, il
reste à la tester) pour se prémunir des impayées de hackeurs. Nous allons
la mettre en place cette semaine (au plus vite ...).

Nous allons tester en parallèle une authentification avec un code passé
dans la transaction que le client peut voir dans son relevé de compte.
Ceci pourra augmenter encore la sécurisation de paiement pour certains
pays comme Senegal, Coté d'Ivoire, Chine, Japon, etc d'où on accepte
les rares commandes (de noms de domaines .fr par exemple). Mais la sécurisation
avec l'adresse sera la base d'authentification chez Ovh pour les serveurs
dédiés, les RPS et la téléphonie. Probablement le nom du domaines et
l'hébergement mutualisé plus tard.

Nous allons utiliser le même système pour l'ensemble des filiales d'Ovh.
La lettre avec le code de validation arrive en 24 heures, partout en
