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professional use query

11-09-2013, 22:59
Quote Originally Posted by JakeMS
I actually had the same question a while ago, I asked if it's possible to get pro usage on one server, and get a RIPE Block with that server and split them across servers without pro usage, I got this response.
Looks like they ended this today:

Gestion des IP fail-over
the domain have no Professional use Option

09-09-2013, 11:56
I've bought a KS4G for backup
1TB, minimal install and do rsync

09-09-2013, 08:08
I'll have a think I guess. Ftp backup is an option I guess so I may use that for the time being

09-09-2013, 08:01
You can always do the 5 day trial of the NAS. But, depending on your needs (read size of backup) you could use the free 100GB backup you have available to you per (non KS) server. But, as you said, setting up/getting another cheap box for backup (like an FS8T @ Raid 1 giving you 4TB) may be the best most cost effective option as you wouldn't have to pile on all the PRO use options and the rather expensive NAS service.

09-09-2013, 07:52
Quote Originally Posted by andha
I'm really looking for it for nas mainly as a backup destination. It states once you have a NAS you can access it from up to 3 servers ( on the level of NAS I was looking at ) I may just try it and see what happens. But I didn't really want to go pro on both of my servers as I may as well just order another server and set it up as a backup destination
Might be worth doing this anyway?
It would certainly be cheaper, and hey, you'd have another server that you could mess around with.

09-09-2013, 07:24
I'm really looking for it for nas mainly as a backup destination. It states once you have a NAS you can access it from up to 3 servers ( on the level of NAS I was looking at ) I may just try it and see what happens. But I didn't really want to go pro on both of my servers as I may as well just order another server and set it up as a backup destination

09-09-2013, 04:55
I actually had the same question a while ago, I asked if it's possible to get pro usage on one server, and get a RIPE Block with that server and split them across servers without pro usage, I got this response.

Dear customer,

theoretically is possible, yes. If you have a RIPE block and you split it, so it becomes individual IPs, you would be able to move single IPs to the server, for an up to 3.


Kind regards

09-09-2013, 04:26
For any server you want to use the NAS Service, you must have PRO use paid for and applied to a server. Then you would be able to access the NAS via any of those servers.

As far as ripe IP, yeah to go past the 3 maximum allowed, you must also go PRO use as well.


08-09-2013, 22:16
I am no expert on the professional use option (so forgive me if I am incorrect) but I believe you would have to have professional use option on all servers that wish to utilise a feature that demands it.

So basically yes you would need professional option enabled on ALL servers.

08-09-2013, 22:05
With professional use. If I purchased a nas. Would I need professional use on each server I wish to have access to the nas or only on one.

Also with ripe IP blocks would that need professional use on each server I wish to be able to use the ripe blocks on ?

Seems a bit expensive if you have to get professional use on each server ?