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02-02-2014, 12:53
Quote Originally Posted by glidewave
2013/2014 seems to be another double year of crazy with OVH. Instead of trying to brand different levels of servers with different name/sites like sys, kimsufi and then ovh; why not use common sense and unify and use one brand/domain and have your server offerings listed properly, all in one place. Navigating these new OVH sites is painful to find what you are looking for, add in the SYS stuff and the Kimsufi redo and it's just i d i o t i c. There is a reason why KISS has been a term for ages.... But OVH seems to want to complicate the hell out of business. -> choose language/country (set cookie) -> see offerings (clearly without ovh determining which is "enterprise" as opposed to "infrastructure" -> order server/service

If i didn't know better, I would have thought Mickey Mouse created this menagerie of sites. Different login urls for different services/servers ... ridiculous and soooo 2002. OVH always seems to go 2 steps forward, and then 4 steps back.

Of course this isn't directed at the excellent front line army (Neil or Jen etc)... it's directed at the vat of wine drinking upper management.

Holy Hell, just tried a reinstall on a SYS server.... what a joke, no customization at all. *OVH, GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER*



i'd like it if they listed all their offerings like - provided my server keeps on going, i'm not overly fussed at looking at their site, as it's a mess with so many sites!

02-02-2014, 05:22
2013/2014 seems to be another double year of crazy with OVH. Instead of trying to brand different levels of servers with different name/sites like sys, kimsufi and then ovh; why not use common sense and unify and use one brand/domain and have your server offerings listed properly, all in one place. Navigating these new OVH sites is painful to find what you are looking for, add in the SYS stuff and the Kimsufi redo and it's just i d i o t i c. There is a reason why KISS has been a term for ages.... But OVH seems to want to complicate the hell out of business. -> choose language/country (set cookie) -> see offerings (clearly without ovh determining which is "enterprise" as opposed to "infrastructure" -> order server/service

If i didn't know better, I would have thought Mickey Mouse created this menagerie of sites. Different login urls for different services/servers ... ridiculous and soooo 2002. OVH always seems to go 2 steps forward, and then 4 steps back.

Of course this isn't directed at the excellent front line army (Neil or Jen etc)... it's directed at the vat of wine drinking upper management.

Holy Hell, just tried a reinstall on a SYS server.... what a joke, no customization at all. *OVH, GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER*

