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Validate our account now [over 7+ days no response]

12-12-2014, 16:49
Quote Originally Posted by xCoderTV
Please validate our account today, we need the server today. ... anyways, when you see this, please validate us

Your account has been validated you will now be able to proceed with the payment of your order.

12-12-2014, 13:49
Please validate our account today, we need the server today. ... anyways, when you see this, please validate us

11-12-2014, 14:18
Thank you, great. Hope to have an amazing strong dedicated server soon

11-12-2014, 13:44

Thank you. We will get back to you via email ASAP.

10-12-2014, 17:33
Replyed, thank you. Please respond asap.

10-12-2014, 17:08
Thank you, I will be replying back with the ID very soon as we need to purchase our server asap.

10-12-2014, 17:04
Hi xCoderTV,

I could not validate your account due to the ID not being complete.
I have repied to your email. Please attach a complete copy of your ID and we will validate your acccount.
The proof of address provided was accepted.

10-12-2014, 16:20
Hey, please validate our account now. We have been waiting over 7+ days for a no response.

nichandle: ms244431-sys

Thank you,
Sebastian M
Developer of InfiniteFaze